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Building in the winter?

As a custom home builder, I get the question quite often... "when do you open back up in the spring?" To which I often reply... "when do I close?" That's right, the answer to the question is we can build your custom home year round! Here are two factors in the custom home building process, why some people think it isn't possible.


In Michigan's climate, we don't see enough frost to stop us from digging and excavating custom home sites to build. However there are a few more steps that are taken to ensure that the cold doesn't effect the quality of the home.


Winter time excavation.

During the winter months, frost can be a fighting force in many locations around the globe. Here in Michigan, we do get frozen ground, but not enough that the standard machinery we use can't get through it. The real issue with excavating actually comes when the frost is exiting the ground, at that point we have what is called "frost laws" or "weight restrictions". When the frost is exiting the ground, the roads are more vulnerable to damage from heavy loads. At this point, to alleviate some of the damage that could be caused, the county road commission will then put weight and speed restriction limits for heavy loads. So that excavator and bulldozer needed to clear some land or dig a hole, is stuck where it is, most of the time until the county says it is ok for that load to travel down the road again.


Concrete construction.

During the winter months concrete can be tough to work with. After all it is made of aggregate and water. Well science has been a saving grace to pouring your footings and foundation. With a few added chemicals and some insulation, like blankets and straw, we can pour in most temperatures, even below freezing. That being said, the frost laws in the spring time can cause a little bit of a challenge, as it takes a few more trucks to get the cement to the site.

With all of the modern advances in construction and home building, it is possible to build your home anytime of the year, cold or no cold! Don't let the weather dictate your decision on if a brand new custom home is right for you.

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